AUTHORS Nilsson E, Olsson S, Regner S, Polistena A, Ali A, Dedey F, Avenia N, Wu L, Banka Johnson L. ABSTRACT Typhoid perforation is the most fatal complication of typhoid ...
Read moreRegion: Africa
Temporal, spatial and household dynamics of Typhoid fever in Kasese district, Uganda
AUTHORS Bernadette Basuta Mirembe, Stella Mazeri, Rebecca Callaby, Luke Nyakarahuka, Clovice Kankya, Adrian Muwonge ABSTRACT Typhoid fever affects 21 million people globally, 1% of whom succumb to the disease. The ...
Read morePrevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi and Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi among febrile patients at Karamara Hospital, Jigjiga, eastern Ethiopia
AUTHORS Dawit Admassu, Gudina Egata, and Zelalem Teklemariam ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi and Salmonella enterica ...
Read moreTyphoid Vaccine Acceleration Consortium Malawi: A Phase III, Randomized, Double-blind, Controlled Trial of the Clinical Efficacy of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine Among Children in Blantyre, Malawi
AUTHORS Meiring JE, Laurens MB, Patel P, Patel P, Misiri T, Simiyu K, Mwakiseghile F, Tracy JK, Masesa C2, Liang Y, Henrion M, Rotrosen E, Gmeiner M, Heyderman R, Kotloff ...
Read moreCommunity Engagement Before Initiation of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine Trial in Schools in Two Urban Townships in Blantyre, Malawi: Experience and Lessons
AUTHORS Meiring JE, Sambakunsi R, Moyo E, Misiri T, Mwakiseghile F, Patel P, Patel P, Ndaferankhande J, Laurens M, Gooding K, Gordon MA BACKGROUND To determine the efficacy of a ...
Read moreA Phase II, Randomized, Double-blind, Controlled Safety and Immunogenicity Trial of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine in Children Under 2 Years of Age in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: A Methods Paper
AUTHORS Laurens MB, Sirima SB, Rotrosen ET, Siribie M, Tiono A, Ouedraogo A, Liang Y, Jamka LP, Kotloff KL, Neuzil KM ABSTRACT The recent Typhoid Fever Surveillance in Africa Program ...
Read moreAfrica’s first-ever mass typhoid fever vaccination campaign ends in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe is the first country in Africa to have the vaccine and to have used it in the continent’s first-ever mass typhoid vaccination campaign as well as one that was ...
Read moreSalmonella Typhi From Blood Cultures in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A 10-Year Surveillance
AUTHORS Tack B, Phoba MF, Van Puyvelde S Kalonji LM, Hardy L, Barbé B, Van der Sande MAB, Monsieurs E, Deborggraeve S, Lunguya O, Jacobs J BACKGROUND This study gives ...
Read moreMultidrug-resistant Nontyphoidal Salmonella Hotspots as Targets for Vaccine Use in Management of Infections in Endemic Settings
AUTHORS Samuel Kariuki, Cecilia Mbae, Robert Onsare, Susan M Kavai, Celestine Wairimu, Ronald Ngetich, Mohammad Ali, John Clemens, and Gordon Dougan Background Salmonella infections cause a disproportionately high number of ...
Read moreIntroduction of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccines in Africa and Asia
AUTHORS Kathleen M Neuzil, Andrew J Pollard, and Anthony A Marfin ABSTRACT Typhoid fever continues to be a major public health concern, particularly in many low- and middle-income countries. The ...
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