Typhoid fever outbreak with severe complications in Yucatan, Mexico


Bano-Zaidi M, Aguayo-Romero M, Campos FD, Colome-Ruiz J, Gonzalez ME, Piste IM, Magaña CP, Gamboa MGY.


Large outbreaks are common in Africa and Asia, but are rare in Latin America. In Mexico, the last major S Typhi outbreak, with more than 10 000 cases, occurred in the early 1970s. Recently, Central American media channels have reported large typhoid fever outbreaks, although scientific information is scarce. We did a retrospective analysis at two referral hospitals in Merida, the state capital, which detected 110 cases of typhoid fever between July 18, 2017, and May 24, 2018.
The recurrence of typhoid fever outbreaks in Mexico after almost half a century is an ominous warning. Although the worst of the outbreak appears to have subsided, its torturous course and the emergence of a ciprofloxacin-resistant strain during the recent months highlight the need for immediate measures to prevent its spread. An improvement in local public health infrastructure and infectious disease surveillance would be crucial first steps.


Click here to view the article, published in The Lancet.