ASTMH Typhoid Symposium:
The Accelerated Agenda to Deliver Typhoid Conjugate Vaccines
Time: Wednesday, Nov. 5th, 8:00 am – 9:45 am
Location: Marriott– Balcony LMN (fourth floor)
The Coalition against Typhoid Secretariat will host a symposium at this year’s ASTMH annual meeting to discuss the next steps in securing a revised immunization and financing policy regarding the use of typhoid conjugate vaccines.
Every year, typhoid fever results in thousands of deaths worldwide. Though typhoid is treatable with antibiotics, resistance to commonly used antibiotics is a widespread problem. In addition, a lack of effective diagnostic tests results in delayed or inaccurate treatment. Together, these problems underscore the need for widespread typhoid vaccine use. However, access to typhoid vaccines remains low in many high burden areas.
The recent national licensure of the world’s first typhoid conjugate vaccine in India represents a major milestone in typhoid prevention and provides an enhanced ability to greatly reduce the global burden of typhoid fever. In order for the typhoid conjugate vaccine to live up to its potential, the typhoid community will need to coalesce around the critical next steps: securing a revised immunization and financing policy.
Symposium Organizer:
M. Imran Khan, Coalition against Typhoid, Sabin Vaccine Institute, Washington, DC
Anita Zaidi, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA
Global Burden of Typhoid Fever
Jeff Stanaway, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Seattle, WA
The Impact of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine Use on Global Typhoid Burden
Laura Martin, Novartis Vaccines for Global Health, Siena, Italy
Future Typhoid Conjugate Vaccines
Rodney Carbis, International Vaccine Institute, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Toward a Revised Global Immunization Policy for Typhoid Control
Joachim Hombach, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland